I recently had someone ask me if there was a way to quickly zoom to all objects on a specific layer. I couldn't find any written LISP code as a whole, but found some small pieces here and here that I was able to utilize and make a command to do this.
Load up this lisp, and then run ZOLAYER to pick an object and zoom to the extents of all objects on that layer. Enjoy!
(defun SALL ()
(setq TargEnt (car (entsel "\nSelect object on layer to select: ")))
(setq TargLayer (assoc 8 (entget TargEnt)))
(sssetfirst nil (ssget "_X" (list TargLayer)))
(defun ZOE ()
(if (setq ss1 (ssget "_I"))
(command "ZOOM" "OBject" ss1 "")
(command "ZOOM" "Extents")
(defun c:ZOlayer ()