Friday, August 16, 2013

Batch Uninstalling Autodesk Software

With the installation of new Autodesk Products comes the uninstallation of old Autodesk Products. This process can be time consuming and a bit annoying - especially with the large suite packages.

Thanks to a great post by ProSOFT here, we have a great time saving solution for uninstalling Autodesk software.

I broke down the steps into a list for ease of reading, but it's all there in the blog. They even included an option for uninstalling on multiple machines at once. I added an option below to uninstall a product by year as well as I tend to load new versions side by side with the previous to ensure bugs are worked out.

  •   Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories.

  •  Locate Command Prompt; right click and choose Run as Administrator

  •  At the prompt type ‘wmic’

  •  After wmic:root\cli> type the following based on your desires: 

  •  Be sure to note where the single quotes and double quotes are located! Typing this out wrong will result in an invalid query

Uninstall ALL Autodesk Software
product where "vendor like 'autodesk%'" call uninstall /nointeractive

Uninstall Autodesk Software by Year
        ***Replace the year 2013 as desired***
product where "vendor like 'autodesk%' and name like ‘%2013%’" call uninstall /nointeractive
  • Hit enter.

  •  A return value of 0 means it successfully uninstalled. If you get a return value of 1603, check to make sure you ran the command as administrator in step 2.

The screenshots below shows the first attempt and missing a double quote resulted in an invalid query. The second attempt began the process.

Hope this helps save you some time - and another big thanks to ProSOFT for posting.


  1. > product where "vendor like 'autodesk%' and name like ‘%2013%’" call uninstall /nointeractive

    All I get is a "Description - Invalid query" when I issue this.

  2. Sorry - I'm not sure. This call below seems to be working for me - but you need to make sure there are absolutely no invalid characters or spaces. That's my best guess.

    product where "vendor like 'autodesk%' and name like ‘%2013%’" call uninstall /nointeractive

  3. I just ran this again for 2014 products and it worked great, saves a ton of time. If you are having issues getting the "Description - Invalid query", then there's definitely something typed wrong. I received this myself the first time. I'll try and clear this up written out two ways below - and modified in blog post above.

    product where "vendor like 'autodesk%' and name like ‘%2014%’" call uninstall /nointeractive

    Space bar = *space*
    " (Double quote) = *2 quote*
    ' (single quote) = *1 quote*

    *2 quote*
    *1 quote*
    *1 quote*
    *1 quote*
    *1 quote*
    *2 quote*

    I hope this helps clarify.

  4. This is OP. It was indeed a typing error. Anyway, thanks for this, it's been very helpful.
