Saturday, June 25, 2011

Beyond Civil3D

I am starting this blog regarding Civil3D to help share my ideas of what I feel are important items in utilizing Civil3D to it's fullest abilities. There are too many people out there that seem to be using Civil3D with the same thought process as LandDesktop.  Maybe that's due to the fact that many companies stay 1-3 years behind the new software and are now finding themselves in the situation where they have to upgrade to Civil3D because LandDesktop is no longer available.

Being a veteran user of LandDesktop and leading a firm through the Civil3D transition, I understand the overwhelming task of learning this new software. I recall sitting in training classes amazed by what the software was capable of, but also immensely overwhelmed by not understanding how the software worked and the task at hand of having to learn complex new software. I have always found there is no better way to learn than to dive right in and figure it out for myself, why following others' blogs and websites for tips and ideas. Thus, the reason for this blog -- to participate and be the support others will need in making the transition.

I hope that this blog would encourage others to step out of their comfort zones of basic AutoCAD and LandDesktop, and truly utilize the power behind Civil3D. The world of design and building is fast paced and constantly questioned for design costs; let's utilize the software to its limits, and constantly be thinking of ways to push the limits Beyond Civil3D.

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