Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Licensing Feature

In the coming month or two, we will be updating all of our apps on the store with a new licensing module, as well as additional app updates. By default when purchasing an app from the store, you will receive one license for the app. To purchase additional licenses for the same app under the same purchased email address, you will need to contact us. Upon purchasing, an email link to your license activation will be sent to the purchaser's email address. This link is a unique link to your license(s) of that individual app and should not be shared with anyone as your licenses can be activated from it.

We know this new feature will effect our existing customers who have installed apps multiple times for one price, however, this is something we must do to continue offering apps at a cheaper price. Apps currently installed will not be effected, but as soon as they are upgraded, they will require additional license purchases.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any issues in upgrading. Thanks!

via Blog http://www.redtransitconsultants.com/blog/new-licensing-feature

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

One Year Old

Today is our 1 year birthday!! It's been a great year of developing #AutoCAD #Civil3D apps for the exchange store. We've also had a few custom programming requests for custom apps or workflow tools. Send over a email if there's something you're in need of!!

via Blog http://www.redtransitconsultants.com/blog/one-year-old

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Drawing Design Notes

A common practice of mine, has once again saved my position with my firm, and I thought I'd share with you all something I think everyone should be doing when working on complex designs in AutoCAD or AutoCAD Civil 3D.

I've found that design notes are extremely important to have when working on drawings. Often times I'll do a grading plan and complete the full design and not come back to it for almost 6 months - and it's usually do to someone not understanding why the surface may have been developed the way it was. This happened to me once again today where others were getting frustrated as to why something wasn't how they thought it should be - so I said, let me check my drawing notes. I open the design and read through my notes and pointed out a key feature that the engineer had told me to do in the design that they had forgotten about - they thanked me for my detailed notes.

Basically in any complex drawing, in model space off in what I like to call lala land, away from the site or where drawing views would be pointed I place some MTEXT that describes exactly how my design was done. I typically try to be as thourough as possible explaining Civil 3D procedures or AutoCAD procedures as to how something was achieved. It is a real life saver when you come back to that drawing 6 months to a year from when it was done.

If you don't keep design notes in your drawings, I highly recommend doing so.

BLOG POST NOTES (To Save My Blogging Abilities in the Future :) ):
  • This post was written to explain how critcal design notes placed in drawings have saved my career once again.
  • I used Google's blogging page to create my blog post and tried to emphasize my point as well as I could.
  • I began by opening with how the practice has saved my career, but did not reveal it until the second paragraph - hopefully enticing readers to read on.
  • From there I explained the practice and the situation that occured on that day.
  • Next I explained exactly how I achieve that practice.
  • Finally I ended with a recommendation

Friday, August 16, 2013

Batch Uninstalling Autodesk Software

With the installation of new Autodesk Products comes the uninstallation of old Autodesk Products. This process can be time consuming and a bit annoying - especially with the large suite packages.

Thanks to a great post by ProSOFT here, we have a great time saving solution for uninstalling Autodesk software.

I broke down the steps into a list for ease of reading, but it's all there in the blog. They even included an option for uninstalling on multiple machines at once. I added an option below to uninstall a product by year as well as I tend to load new versions side by side with the previous to ensure bugs are worked out.

  •   Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories.

  •  Locate Command Prompt; right click and choose Run as Administrator

  •  At the prompt type ‘wmic’

  •  After wmic:root\cli> type the following based on your desires: 

  •  Be sure to note where the single quotes and double quotes are located! Typing this out wrong will result in an invalid query

Uninstall ALL Autodesk Software
product where "vendor like 'autodesk%'" call uninstall /nointeractive

Uninstall Autodesk Software by Year
        ***Replace the year 2013 as desired***
product where "vendor like 'autodesk%' and name like ‘%2013%’" call uninstall /nointeractive
  • Hit enter.

  •  A return value of 0 means it successfully uninstalled. If you get a return value of 1603, check to make sure you ran the command as administrator in step 2.

The screenshots below shows the first attempt and missing a double quote resulted in an invalid query. The second attempt began the process.

Hope this helps save you some time - and another big thanks to ProSOFT for posting.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Autodesk Exchange Apps Portathon Event

Do you have apps you've been wanting to submit on the Autodesk Store but haven't had time and need some motivation? Now is your chance.

For a 24 hour period on September 13-14th, Autodesk will be paying $100 per app submitted (up to 5 apps per person are eligible). You can read more about the event at the links below - and note that you must register to attend the event!!

Good luck developers!!



Tuesday, July 9, 2013

AutoCAD 2014 - New Security Features

One of the newest features in the 2014 product(s) is the implementation of security features. With the AutoCAD* (verticals included) malware going around, Autodesk has implemented two new variables that work as a blocking mechanism for loading external code files - that is, LISP Routines, .NET Files, etc. You can read more about the malware going around here and here.

This new system has it's positives and negatives for sure. Obviously good because it provides added prevention to loading external malicious code, but can be seen as bad because it's an additional dialog for every file you need to load with workflow routines.

There are a few ways around this system, as always, and with limited information being out on the web I thought I'd provide some additional things I have found. Of course there is always a way to turn these things off all together which can be accomplished with the new setting SECURELOAD - though this is not recommended as it will leave you vulnerable. You can read more about this here.
Manually, you can go into the Options menu, Files Tab, open up Trusted Locations and add the folders of trusted paths. Note that if the path is not set to READ ONLY, AutoCAD will prompt you to manually allow - but this is not recommended as malicious code could save a file into a write enabled path. Once paths are added here, AutoCAD will allow loading of any files in the path without the above dialog appearing. I believe that this is restricted to files directly under the main folder and not under sub folders, though I have not found documentation on this.
Additionally trusted locations can be added from the command line with the new command TRUSTEDLOCATIONS. Each path can be written out and separated by semicolons ";". For example, C:/This/Is/My/Path;C:/This/Is/Another/Path.
With much of AutoCAD* allowing for a cloud based system for file storage, trusted domains can also be added via the command TRUSTEDDOMAINS; again via separated by semicolons ";". You can read more about this here and here.
Another way to deal with loading external files is with the recent auto loading system that debuted in AutoCAD 2012 and made it to many AutoCAD verticals in 2013. AutoCAD* 2014 will automatically load bundle files from the Autodesk plugins folder. The bundle files can get quite involved as they are setup to run on multiple platforms as programmed by the developer, thus I won't get into how they work here in this blog, however you can read up more on this here and here.
Of course the autoloader system is great, but it can be a bit overwhelming for those who do not do a lot of programming. Thus I have created a LISP routine that can be used for setting the trusted path locations automatically (this could easily be modified for domains as well). Take the code below and paste into a text file and save as a LISP routine - then modify the paths to your own (shown as red text below). This code can also be added into an ACAD.lsp file and saved in the program support folder as AutoCAD will still autoload from there without the security dialogs as well.
;;Written by Steve Hill, 7/3/2013
;;This function checks if string 1 (s1) contains string 2 (s2)
;;If not, it combines string 1 and string 2 with a semicolon in between and returns the new string.
;;If it does, it just returns the first string
(defun addtrustedpath ( s1 s2 )

           (if (= (strlen s1) 0)
                         (strcat s1 s2)
                         (if (= (vl-string-search s2 s1) nil)
                                            (strcat s1 ";" s2)
                                  (strcat s1)
);end defun
;;This function begins with the trusted path string obtained in the next function (p1).
;;If nothing, it begins with nothing. We then add the paths listed below to this string.
;;The Addtrustedpath function checks to make sure the path does not already exist.
(defun trustedpathstring ( p1 )

              (setq p1 (addtrustedpath p1 "C:\\My\\Path\\Number1"))
               (setq p1 (addtrustedpath p1 "C:\\My\\Path\\Number2"))
              (setq p1 (addtrustedpath p1 "C:\\My\\Path\\Number3"))
              ;;copy code on line above and change path to add more paths here
              ;;continue until all of your trusted paths are added to code here.
);end defun

;;This function gets the current trusted paths, then passes the string to the above function
;;And finally sets the trusted paths variable obtained from the above functions
(defun settrustedpaths ()

              (setq currpaths (getvar "trustedpaths"))
              (setvar "trustedpaths" (trustedpathstring currpaths))
);end defun


(princ "\n\n****Trusted paths have been set****")
Overall, the new security features are a good thing. I recommend leaving them on to ensure your system is not loading malicious code files. Please feel free to comment if you have any better suggestions.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Vacation in the San Francisco Bay / Napa Valley Area

My wife and I are celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary this weekend in the San Francisco Bay Area and Napa Valley. On our drive up to Napa Valley, I thought it was a must for us to swing by the Autodesk Headquarters to get a photo. After all I've spent at least 40 hours a week for nearly 52 weeks a year for almost 14 years in my professional career using Autodesk software - a substantial amound of time.

Autodesk has helped me have a successful career and also provided means for me to recently startup my own LLC writing custom apps. Check out my apps on my website:


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Improving Healthcare Buildings with BIM

Autodesk has recently put together a nice advertisement for promoting the use of BIM in the healthcare industry design process. This is a great reminder that as designers of our world, it's not always about how quickly or cheaply something can be completed, but also about what is the best design for the project. As it's clearly stated in this ad for healthcare buildings, good, well thought out design, can help save lives.

BIM technologies are a great resource at our fingertips to help give us more answers and solutions up front in the design process.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Corporate CUI Setup to Include New Autodesk Exchange Store Capabilities

Autodesk Exchange Store App Explanation:

With AutoCAD 2012 and now a good portion of 2013 Autodesk Products, such as Civil 3D, there is a need to allow users corporate wide to install custom applications for use. In the past advanced users could use APPLOAD to load their custom AutoLISP routines and NETLOAD to load their custom .NET (DotNET/DLLs) applications as needed. These methods are still in place, however, with the new Autodesk Exchange Store, Autodesk has implemented a new method that will require the CAD Director/Manager to implement additional changes to CUI files to allow users to use the new functionality. Or at a minimum, users need to learn which tab needs to be added to their Main CUIx file if they are not using the 'out of the box' version.

If you use the Autodesk Exchange Store with the 'out of the box' setup for 2013, you will see custom apps install smoothly with limited effort from the user automatically adding ribbon buttons on a 'Plug-ins' or Add-ins' tab that only appears if these apps are installed. When running the installation of an app from the Autodesk Exchange store, the app will typically install itself to this folder path:


Upon Startup (and even while currently running), AutoCAD/Civil 3D will automatically check this folder for custom apps. Apps installed in this folder will have a main folder name similar to this:


This bundle folder contains the necessary file(s) to run the app, a help menu for the app, a partial CUIx file for the app, and the necessary image(s) to install custom icons. AutoCAD/Civil 3D will automatically add the partial CUIx file to your Main CUIx file and a new tab will appear on your ribbon. After installing, you should see something like this take place:

In the upper right a notification will appear telling you the app has been installed, from here you can also access the ReadMe Help file for that app (although you only have about 5 seconds to click this file from here during a session, it can be accessed from the actual button as well). The 'Plug-ins' tba will also appear with a button for running the app (of course as always there is a command for each app that can be typed in). The button provides a visual for the app and also access to the help file. Simply hover over the button and hit F1. The app's help file will appear. From here on the app can be used as needed, uninstalled, etc.

Corporate CUI Setup
From a corporate standpoint, some may wish to allow their users to have this functionality built in. The above functionality completely depends on where the workspaces are stored. The software can only automatically add in custom applications onto a 'Plug-ins' tab to the Main CUIx file. Thus if your company runs the workspaces from an Enterprise CUIx file, the software will not be able to modify the ribbon to add the 'Plug-ins' tab because the Enterprise CUIx is read only. So in my opinion, here is the best way to setup your CUIx files to allow for an Enterprise CUIx and auto installation of apps.

First, keep your Enterprise CUIx the way it is - with your corporate workspaces built in it. The image below shows how I have my Enterprise CUI file setup. Basically, this CUI was created from the 'Out of the Box' C3D.cuix file initially. This contains all of the originally parital CUI files and original workspaces. From here I added in a corporate ribbon and menu that were added to the workspaces. This allows me to ensure all users will get the ribbon and menu with corporate custom buttons and apps through the Enterprise CUIx file, and it cannot be modified. We also add in a corporate LISP routine for various functions here.

The Main CUIx file (I have called MAINUSERCUI) is shown in the next screen shot below. This CUIx can be edited by the user to allow them to setup their own workspace. This CUIx is literrally just a blank CUIx file created from scratch. The only items I include here is a intial workspace for the user and a specific tab for the Autodesk Exchange Store apps to auto-install. The intial workspace I have named 'MyCustomWorkspace', we'll get into what that includes in a minute. The Ribbon Tab named 'Plug-Ins' is very important. This does not have to be titled 'Plug-Ins', but must have an alias of "ID_ADDINSTAB" for apps to automatically install. Also, notice the partial CUIx file that is already added. This was not included on the intial install for the user, but was automatically added when installing an app from the Autodesk Exchange Store - this is why it will not work with an Enterprise CUIx file as the Enterprise cannot be modified to include another partial CUIx file.

The 'MyCustomWorkspace' settings are shown in the image below. Basically I have intially included tabs from the Enterprise CUIx file, Civil partial CUIx file to include the desired Civil 3D tabs (This is all but the Civil 3D Add-ins tab). Then I have also included the 'Plug-ins' tab from the Main CUIx file.

When switching workspaces, the user will see both workspaces from the Enterprise CUIx and the Main CUIx files as shown below. Auto installed plug-ins from the Autodesk Exchange Store will ONLY appear on the user's custom workspace(s) as selected in the above screen shot. Users will need to be informed that the Plug-ins tab on the Main CUIx must be added to any addtional workspaces they choose to setup.

I hope this helps clarify some of the unknowns for you as there are many apps coming to the Autodesk Exchange Store, providing additional functionality for the software. I have seen many great apps on the store and have found many uses for them. Some of my own apps can be found at my company website www.redtransitconsultants.com.