Monday, July 11, 2011

Civil3D PDF Capabilities

I ran across an interesting item within Civil3D 2010 that I did not realize. I knew that there was the option of inserting a PDF, but I did not realize the ability to snap to PDF linework or the layer control. These options come can come in handy when dealing with PDF images. For those, like me, behind the software curve with Autodesk products, here are some highlights of the PDF capabilities.

Once the PDF is inserted to your drawing, select the PDF. This can be done different than working with images. CAD recoginizes the linework, thsu you can select the PDF by clicking on the linework as opposed to having to pick the outside frame of a normal image, saving time from panning and zooming. Next you should see the ribbon update to the "PDF Underlay" toolbar. Here there is an option to "Enable Snaps." Once enabled you'll be able to snap to the linework.

Two buttons to the right, is the "Edit Layers" button. This will open a dialoge box displaying the layer names of the PDF. Use the lightbulbs to turn on and off the layers. Notice that in the image below, the contours have been shut off using this option.

The image I am using was provided by a GIS department, thus I assume the layer naming comes from the creator's settings. I have not had the opportunity to test the snaps or layer control with PDFs made directly from CAD or other software, but I would expect it to work better with CAD/GIS.


  1. The image I am using was provided by a GIS department, thus I assume the layer naming comes from the creator's settings.

    seems like this is a bug, from what i can tell, this occures when the layers are organised in a folder structure(grouped), Layer Names will present fine in Adobe Reader.

    also due to this bug, switch on and off layers means that All Layers that have the same 3 characters, gets switched off so in your example all of "ybS" gets switched Off instead of just the one layer
